donderdag 17 september 2009

Industrial SQL Connector and Eventum: UNION queries

After playing around with Eventum some more as a result of looking into the Mylyn [connector] Eventum request I noticed that Eventum supports a very elaborate system of comments: Internal Notes, Phone calls, Drafts, emails and attachments in addition to the issue status history we included earlier.
Our question for today is whether we can support this diversity with the simplified task model provided with the Industrial SQL Connector?

MySQL UNION queries

MySQL provides the UNION statement to merge the results of two or more SELECT queries. So we try the following edit of CommentMapEventum.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap
PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"
"" >
licensed under ECL, to connect Mylyn to SQL databases
Copyright 2009 Maarten Meijer, all right reserved.
<sqlMap namespace="Comments">
<select id="getForKey" resultClass="ibatisComment">
his_created_date as groupKey,
usr_email as author,
usr_full_name as authorName,
his_created_date as date,
his_summary as text
FROM eventum_issue_history
INNER JOIN eventum_user ON his_usr_id = usr_id
WHERE his_iss_id = #value#
ORDER BY his_id)
not_created_date as groupKey,
usr_email as author,
usr_full_name as authorName,
not_created_date as date,
not_note as text
FROM eventum_note
INNER JOIN eventum_user ON not_usr_id = usr_id
WHERE not_iss_id = #value#
ORDER BY not_id)

Results from modified query

We run again and look at an issue with an internal note attached:

We see the internal notes text merged with the history. When we use a CONCAT() statement we can even prefix different parts with different makeup or create more elaborate text bits.


If you know how to write SQL queries you can do fairly complex stuff with the Industrial SQL Connector.
So go ahead and give it a try yourself! Installation instructions are provided here.

Industrial SQL Connector for Mylyn - version 0.9.4.v20090917

While using the Industrial SQL Connector to connect Mylyn to an Eventum repository some bugs were uncovered.
These were fixed and a new release 0.9.4.v20090917 posted to the update site. Source is also available from the SVN source repository at svn://

2011 02 22 After moving to EclipseLabs the update site is now here and SVN is here

Problems fixed

- can-query-repository always returned true, now listens to setting in repository-attributes
when false, legal property values are no longer queried for, easier when creating a connector, you can go step by step.
- can-synchronize-tasks always returned true, now listens to setting in repository-attributes
- can-delete-tasks (Mylyn since 3.3) was unsupported, now listens to setting in repository-attributes


Added two more query fields in the Fom Based Query wizard:
"Description" and "Comments", so you can now search these as well when you can come up with the right query.

These can be referenced as notes and comments dynamic parameters in the searchForKey query in the TaskMapXXX.xml.

Complete Eventum connector 0.3.0

A zip complete with source of the Eventum connector so far can be downloaded from here.

dinsdag 15 september 2009

Industrial SQL connector and Eventum: adding attachments

Last time we covered Eventum task and comments, this time we'll make the attachments show up in Mylyn.

Eventum attachments

We create an attachment in our Eventum test installation and see what happens. Two tables are involved in the handling of attachments: eventum_issue_attachment containing the meta information like date created and creator, and eventum_issue_attachment_file containing actual data, filename, mime type and filesize.

Modifying the repository-config settings

We must edit fragment.xml and set the can-get-attachments property to true.

Creating the attachment data query

To return the attachment meta-data we must edit CommentsMapEventum.xml and set the getAttachmentForKey query as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap
PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"
"" >
licensed under ECL, to connect Mylyn to SQL databases
Copyright 2009 Maarten Meijer, all right reserved.
<sqlMap namespace="Comments">
<select id="getAttachmentForKey" resultClass="ibatisAttachment">
<!-- meta data only, return the blob data separately -->
usr_email as author,
iaf_filetype as ctype,
iat_created_date as date,
iat_description as description,
iaf_filename as filename,
iaf_id as id,
iaf_filesize as size,
iat_iss_id as taskId,
'' as url
FROM eventum_issue_attachment
INNER JOIN eventum_user ON iat_usr_id = usr_id
INNER JOIN eventum_issue_attachment_file ON iat_id = iaf_iat_id
WHERE iat_iss_id = #value#

Creating the attachment BLOB query

To return the attachment binary BLOB we must edit CommentsMapEventum.xml and set the getAttachmentDataForKey query as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap
PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"
"" >
licensed under ECL, to connect Mylyn to SQL databases
Copyright 2009 Maarten Meijer, all right reserved.
<sqlMap namespace="Comments">
<resultMap id="attachmentDataMap" class="ibatisAttachment">
<result property="blob" column="iaf_file" jdbcType="BLOB" javaType="[B"/>

<select id="getAttachmentDataForKey" resultMap="attachmentDataMap">
<!-- return the blob data -->
SELECT iaf_file
FROM eventum_issue_attachment_file
WHERE iaf_id = #value#

The attachment displays nicely but...

We can see the attachments in the Task Editor, an image uploaded using the web interface, but when we right-click we see several actions that do not work.

Open With Browser will not work, as the Eventum attachments are stored in a database, so they have no web url and cannot be shown in the browser. This is reported under bug 249021. This action should be dimmed when no URL is present.

Open With/Default EditorThis functionality was recently added, but does not take into account the case where no URL is present. This is in the works under bug 220314 and should be dimmed when no URL is present.

Make Local Copy and Open in Browser this is Industrial Connector functionality present to remedy the problems above, but is not a really neat solution.

maandag 7 september 2009

Industrial SQL Connector and Eventum

When looking at the Mylyn connector Most Wanted List you'll see many issue tracker that do not have a dedicated connector to the Mylyn Eclipse Task based UI.

Many of these are backed by databases to store all the complex relations and workflow. In the next several blogs I'm going to demonstrate how easy it is to connect Mylyn to any database backed issue tracker using the Industrial SQL Connector.
For the example I will be using Eventum, created and used by MySQL, number 4 on the list. It is also OSS, so we can easily get it to play around with.
This will not be a full fledged connector, but a quick start to get the task change notification directly from email into Eclipse as first step in making you more productive.

Install Industrial SQL Connector

This connector can be installed from
Note Images display Pre EclipseLabs update site

Download empty MySQL connector Fragment

You can download a ready made empty MySQL connector Fragment as described here and unzip it and rename some files, so we get this structure:

I want to make this easier but need code from PDE, please vote for bug 288547: Add a NewFragmentFromTemplateWizard with API to make Fragments from templates

Install Eventum 2.2

Install this on you local machine following instructions provided here, so you can inspect the database tables, create and test the queries.
Then when you are completely satisfied that it works, do you change and connect to the production database!
Once the default install is completed use a database inspection tool like phpMyAdmin or soemthing else to familiarize yourself with the database structure. Luckily the Eventum designers used a very consistent naming scheme for TABLES and COLUMNS!

Once completed you can log into the system and start creating some initial users, projects and issues.

While creating a user, a project and a test issue in the web interface, make notes of what backend database tables change and get filled, because the Industrial SQL Connector is all about mapping database tables to task fields. Databases are usually constructed with record ID's for the machine and record names or titles for us, the users. As Mylyn is about making us more productive, we will as a matter of policy retrieve the human-readable formats from the database and map those back into records using JOIN statements. The preliminary mapping is as follows:
Task SideEventum Table
Issue Statuseventum_status, eventum_resolution
Issue Priorityeventum_project_priority
Peopleeventum_user, eventum_issue_user

Creating the Connector: step 1 creating extension

Open the fragment.xml and create extension org.eclipse.mylyn.industrial.core.persistor and create a persistor-config, add an ibatis-config. Fill in the fields as below:

Creating the Connector: step 2 retrieving repository elements

Edit the file maps/eventum-direct-db/RepositoryMapEventum.xml as follows.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap
PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"
"" >
licensed under ECL, to connect Mylyn to SQL databases
Copyright 2009 Maarten Meijer, all right reserved.

<sqlMap namespace="Repository">
Legal issue owners and other legal values for fields are taken here
from DISTINCT values in the database. An alternative would be a
SELECT from any table containing legal users.
<!-- return a list of legal issue owners. -->
<select id="legalOwners" resultClass="string">
SELECT DISTINCT usr_full_name FROM eventum_user
<!-- return a list of legal products. -->
<select id="legalProducts" resultClass="string">
SELECT DISTINCT prj_title FROM eventum_project
<!-- return a list of legal issue status values. -->
<select id="legalIssueStatus" resultClass="string">
SELECT DISTINCT sta_title FROM eventum_status
<!-- return a legal list of priority values.
Note that in Mylyn these all need to be mapped to one of
"P1", "P2", "P3", "P4" or "P5". -->
<select id="legalPriority" resultClass="string">
SELECT DISTINCT concat('P',pri_rank) FROM eventum_project_priority
<!-- this query will be executed when pressing the Validate Connection in
the Repository Settings dialog -->
<statement id="validate" resultClass="boolean">SELECT TRUE </statement>
<!-- this query will be executed when pressing the Validate Connection in
the Repository Settings dialog -->
<statement id="authenticate" resultClass="boolean">
<!-- This query will be executed when validation fails and the repository
can be initialized or updated based on version (like local Derby) -->
<statement id="initialize" resultClass="string" parameterClass="string">

This will give us a nice prefilled dialog in of the Form Based Query:

Creating the Connector: step 3 mapping the task

Open the file maps/eventum-direct-db/TaskMapEventum.xml and locate the query getForKey. This query retrieves all mappable issue attributes give an issue ID to use as key.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap
PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"
"" >
licensed under ECL, to connect Mylyn to SQL databases
Copyright 2009 Maarten Meijer, all right reserved.
<sqlMap namespace="Tasks">

<select id="getForKey" resultClass="ibatisTask">
iss_id as taskId,
concat('P',pri_rank) AS priority,
usr_full_name AS owner,
iss_summary AS summary,
iss_description as notes,
prj_title AS product,
sta_title AS issueStatus,
iss_created_date AS creationDate,
iss_closed_date AS completionDateDate,
iss_expected_resolution_date AS dueDateDate
FROM eventum_issue
INNER JOIN eventum_issue_user ON isu_iss_id = iss_id 
INNER JOIN eventum_user ON isu_usr_id = usr_id 
INNER JOIN eventum_project ON iss_prj_id = prj_id 
INNER JOIN eventum_status ON iss_sta_id = sta_id 
INNER JOIN eventum_project_priority ON iss_pri_id = pri_id 
WHERE iss_id LIKE #value#

Creating the Connector: step 4 adding dynamic search

We also need to edit the statement in searchForKey for the Form Based Query to make its selection:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap
PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"
"" >
licensed under ECL, to connect Mylyn to SQL databases
Copyright 2009 Maarten Meijer, all right reserved.

<sqlMap namespace="Tasks">
<select id="searchForKey" parameterClass="ibatisCriteria" resultClass="string">
SELECT DISTINCT iss_id as taskId FROM eventum_issue
<isNotEmpty property="product">
INNER JOIN eventum_project  ON iss_prj_id = prj_id
<isNotEmpty property="priority">
INNER JOIN eventum_project_priority ON iss_pri_id = pri_id
<isNotEmpty property="issueStatus">
INNER JOIN eventum_status  ON iss_sta_id = sta_id
<dynamic prepend="WHERE">
<isNotEmpty property="summary" prepend="AND"
removeFirstPrepend="true"> iss_summary LIKE '%$summary$%'
<isNotEmpty property="creationDateBefore" prepend="AND"
removeFirstPrepend="true"> iss_created_date <= #creationDateBefore#
<isNotEmpty property="creationDateAfter" prepend="AND"
removeFirstPrepend="true"> iss_created_date gt;= #creationDateBefore#
<isNotEmpty property="product">
<iterate property="product" conjunction="OR" open="(" close=")"
prepend="AND" removeFirstPrepend="true">
prj_title = #product[]#</iterate>
<isNotEmpty property="priority">
<iterate property="priority" conjunction="OR" open="(" close=")"
prepend="AND" removeFirstPrepend="true">
pri_rank = right(#priority[]#,1)</iterate>
<isNotEmpty property="issueStatus">
<iterate property="issueStatus" conjunction="OR" open="(" close=")"
prepend="AND" removeFirstPrepend="true">
sta_title = #issueStatus[]# </iterate>

Using the <dynamic> tag in the SqlMaps query language, you can specify fully dynamic queries, that will do this:

Creating the Connector: step 5 adding comments

When we have the basic task and attributes, we will not notice all activity that happens around a task. A Task or Issue usually has some sort of history associated with it, and this can be done by editing the file maps/eventum-direct-db/CommentsMapEventum.xml as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap
PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"
"" >
licensed under ECL, to connect Mylyn to SQL databases
Copyright 2009 Maarten Meijer, all right reserved.

<sqlMap namespace="Comments">
groupKey use : when you want Mylyn to concatenate strings in different
records into one comment you can force that to happen by giving these
strings the same groupKey.

Leaving the the groupKey set to null, will concatenate all records into
one Mylyn comment. This is counterintuitive!!
<select id="getForKey"  resultClass="ibatisComment">
his_created_date as groupKey,
usr_email as author,
usr_full_name as authorName,
his_created_date as date,
his_summary as text
FROM eventum_issue_history
INNER JOIN eventum_user ON his_usr_id = usr_id
WHERE his_iss_id = #value#
ORDER BY his_id
Note the use of groupKey in the statement. This construct will force all comments from the same date to be listed into one comment. Eventum issue edits result in multiple items being entered into the history using the same timestamp. Using groupKey allows you to define or alter the grouping of comments.

Creating the Connector: step 6 adding additional attributes

Sometimes we have additional attributes that can be mapped to the Mylyn common attributes listed in Open the file maps/eventum-direct-db/TaskMapEventum.xml and go to query additionalForKey.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap
PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"
"" >
licensed under ECL, to connect Mylyn to SQL databases
Copyright 2009 Maarten Meijer, all right reserved.

<sqlMap namespace="Tasks">
Keys for TaskData attributes used by Mylyn in the RepositoryTaskData structure

listed in file /org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.core/src/org/eclipse/mylyn/tasks/core/data/

There is a problem in ibatis where dot notation fields returned in a Map are parsed as bean properties.
<select id="additionalForKey" resultClass="java.util.HashMap">
res_title as task_common_resolution,
usr_full_name as task_common_user_reporter
FROM eventum_issue
INNER JOIN eventum_resolution ON res_id = iss_res_id 
INNER JOIN eventum_user ON usr_id = iss_usr_id 
WHERE iss_id LIKE #value#


By following the simple steps outlined above, it is very easy to create a read-only connector to any database backed issue tracker. The Tasks in Mylyn are filled using a direct mapping of database columns to task elements and is not very complicated. Not a single line of Java code was needed! There is a usable UI to queries, and the results are displayed in the Task Editor, allowing a local context to be attached to it.

Connecting to database is easy when it is on the same LAN, slightly more involved when it is remote. My experience using a SSH tunnels using Putty (under Windows) or similar is that it can make a relatively secure connection easy to setup.
The connector fragment including source project can be downloaded in a ZIP from here.

donderdag 3 september 2009

Industrial SQL Connector versatility

I just created a quick solution for Eventum Mylyn connector using the Industrial SQL Mylyn connector toolkit in under 60 minutes! Screenshots @ bug, details to follow here.

A ZIP with basic code is available here

Mylyn to MySQL: Setting up advanced queries

Last time we connected Mylyn to a MySQL database of a custom application and had results in the Mylyn Task List.

But I used a very simple query to connect and it would be pointless to have to rewrite a query inside the connector every time we want to make a selection. There is a way to make allowed values appear in the Industrial Connector Form Based Query dialog.

We see various fields that can all be queried. The fields Summary, Products, Owners, Status, and Priority can all be mapped to a certain database column or combination of columns.
Creation Date, Completion Date, and Due Date create dates to be matched agains database DATETIME or TIMESTAMP columns.

Extracting legal query values

We can easily extract values that exist in the database using a SELECT DISTINCT query. So as exampel I'm going to fill the Products field with all different lighting applications selected in the database by editing TaskRepositoryFOLD.xml.

<select id="legalProducts" resultClass="string">
SELECT 'empty'

I change that to the following:

<select id="legalProducts" resultClass="string">
SELECT DISTINCT q_application FROM lqueries

We run again and we can see the different values to select in the Form Based Quer dialog.

We can do the same for owners, issueStatus and Priority.

Using the legal query values in Dynamic Queries

The Industrial SQL Connector uses Apache Ibatis as one of the connection layers.
Ibatis allows you make fully dynamic queries using a set of XML statements. Documentation can be downloaded here.

We revise the query searchForKey to include dynamic statements as follows:

<select id="searchForKey" parameterClass="ibatisCriteria" resultClass="string">
SELECT DISTINCT q_ID as taskId FROM lighting.lqueries
<dynamic prepend="WHERE">
<isNotEmpty property="owner">
<iterate property="owner" conjunction="OR" open="(" close=")"
prepend="AND" removeFirstPrepend="true">
q_remote_addr = #owner[]#
<isNotEmpty property="product">
<iterate property="product" conjunction="OR" open="(" close=")"
prepend="AND" removeFirstPrepend="true">
q_application = #product[]#
<isNotEmpty property="summary" prepend="AND"
removeFirstPrepend="true"> q_projecttext LIKE '%$summary$%'
<isNotEmpty property="creationDateBefore" prepend="AND"
removeFirstPrepend="true"> q_datetime &lt;= #creationDateBefore#
<isNotEmpty property="creationDateAfter" prepend="AND"
removeFirstPrepend="true"> q_datetime &gt;= #creationDateBefore#
<isEmpty property="priority" prepend="AND">
q_nresults &lt; 50
<isNotEmpty property="priority" prepend="AND">
q_nresults &lt; 50

Run again and trying to create a second Form Based Query query as follows:

This will give the these results:


The Industrial SQL Connector makes it easy to connect any sort of Problem, Incident, Task like data in Mylyn by specifying a few queries. And because of that it makes available the tremendous productivity gains offered by Mylyn to a wide audience.

Surely allowing direct access to database over the internet can be seen as a security risk, but this can be covered at a lower level using SSH2 tunnels with certifcates. There may also be workflow related issues that are not coded in this connector, but even by creating a read-only connector, you will get productivity gains because the local context is stored and time can be tracked.